MTOPP's Accomplishments!

There are a lot of new comers to this tremendous struggle as there should be as we grow in awareness as to what is transpiring.  In that space a lot of people also don’t know all that MTOPP and its members have done and this is a quick review of all the accomplishments and work dozens of people have put in to bring consciousness and empowerment to the people


April and May:

June 2014:

July 2014:

August 2014:

September 2014:

October 2014:

November 2014:

  1. MTOPP starts a Post Card campaign and an email campaign to get Public Advocate, Leticia James involved in addressing CB9’s violation of the City Charter, Open Meeting Law, Freedom of Information and Constitutional Law.
  2. MTOPP files an Article 78 in Supreme Court to stop the violation of our rights!
  3. MTOPP stages another demonstration at CB9 meeting to ensure the community is allowed to speak at the CB meeting!
  4. MTOPP uncovers fraudulent behavior by Pearl Miles District Manage in tallying up the votes on September 23, 2014.
  5. MTOPP successfully rescinds the resolution of March 25, 2014!
  6. MTOPP conducts if first Fund raiser!
  7. MTOPP produces a child being evicted due displacement at CB 9 Board meeting


Accomplishments 2014:

And what has all this activity accomplished!

  1. They are no longer saying they can keep the buildings at six stories. So that scam has been exposed!
  2. We showed City Planning and the Mayor there is no community consensus on this resolution.
  3. We have exposed Pearl Miles deception and lies she created in the resolution.
  4. We educated the community and brought awareness to what is happening.
  5. We have organized the community to get involved in this process, to come out to meetings, to question the representatives.
  6. We have helped tenants from getting evicted.
  7. We have provided legal services to tenant groups. 
  8. We stopped the resolution from moving forward into City Planning hands.
  9. We have exposed CB9's lack of knowledge about how to run a Community Board. 
  10. We are bringing transparency to this whole process of community involvement!
  11. Brought out this issue into the public.
  12. Now have this issue in front of a Judge.
  13. Exposed Pearl Miles fraudulent behavior!

How many members are in MTOPP?

The question that keeps being posed is how many members are there in MTOPP, there is sure is hell isn’t one! There are dozens of people who have assisted along all of our activities. Some are consistently showing up, some come and do one thing and are done and others come on as need basis.  Some just distribute flyers, or make phone calls. Others hand out petitions, others do the research, pick up flyers, represent us at other demonstrations and meet with other groups.


MTOPP would not be as successful as it is, if this was truly just a one woman show. The opposition would like to project that to discredit all that has been done, but we are creating a movement and it is from the people and it can’t and it won’t be stopped!